Is Strategous a word?
Strategos, plural strategoi, Latinized strategus, (Greek: στρατηγός, pl. στρατηγοί; Doric Greek: στραταγός, stratagos; meaning “army leader”) is used in Greek to mean military general. In the Hellenistic world and the Byzantine Empire the term was also used to describe a military governor.
What is the definition for trireme?
Definition of trireme : an ancient galley having three banks of oars.
What did a strategos do?
A strategos might be given special powers to take decisions in the field without reference back to Athens. At home the strategoi were responsible for calling up citizens and metics for military service, and for organizing the maintenance and command of ships by the system of trierarchies.
What is meant by Olympian?
Definition of Olympian (Entry 1 of 4) 1 : of or relating to, or inhabiting Mount Olympus in Thessaly Olympian gods. 2 : befitting, characteristic of, or suggestive of the gods conceived as inhabiting Mount Olympus : lofty Olympian detachment …
How were Strategos elected?
If a stratēgos died or was dismissed from office, a by‐election might be held to replace him for the remainder of the year. The original rule that one strategos was elected from each phyle underwent some modification after 450: in several years one phyle is known to have supplied two strategoi simultaneously.
What does strategos stand for?
Strategos, plural strategoi, Latinized strategus, ( Greek: στρατηγός, pl. στρατηγοί; Doric Greek: στραταγός, stratagos; meaning “army leader”) is used in Greek to mean military general. In the Hellenistic world and the Byzantine Empire the term was also used to describe a military governor.
What is the meaning of Stratos in Greek?
Stratos (στρατός) means “army”, literally “that which is spread out”, coming from the proto-Indo-European root *stere- “to spread”. Agos (ἀγός) means “leader”, from agein (ἄγειν) “to lead”, from the proto-Ιndo-Εuropean root *ag- “to drive, draw out or forth, move”.
What does Palavra Estrategia mean?
A palavra estrategia significa, literalmente, “arte do general”, que deriva da palavra grega strategos. A finalidade da estrategia e estabelecer quais serao os caminhos, os programas de acao que devem ser seguidos para serem alcancados os objetivos, metas e desafios estabelecidos (OLIVEIRA, 2011).
What was the role of the strategos in ancient Greece?
In the Aetolian League and the Achaean League, where the strategos was annually elected, he was the eponymous chief of civil government and the supreme military commander at the same time. Two of the most prominent leaders re-elected many times to the office in the Achaean League, were Aratus of Sicyon and Philopoemen of Megalopolis.