What is Juniperus chinensis?
Juniperus chinensis, known as Chinese Juniper, is an evergreen conifer native to eastern Asia including China, Mongolia, Japan, and the Himalayas. This a bushy conical tree that can grow to heights of 50-60 feet spreading 15-20 feet.
Why is the epithet media used to identify a juniper hybrid?
Later the specific epithet, media, was found to have already been in use for a different Juniper hybrid, so its use to signify a J. chinensis – J. sabina hybrid is illegitimate. See The Pfitzer Story in the info section of ‘Pfitzeriana’ for more detailed information on this taxonomic problem.
How tall do old gold junipers grow?
Description ‘Old Gold’ is a low-growing evergreen juniper in the cypress family native to Asia. It is a compact graceful shrub with scale-like leaves with graceful ascending branches and yellow leaves at the tips of new growth. It grows 3-4 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide.
Is juniper stricta an evergreen?
Compact and slow-growing, Juniperus chinensis ‘Stricta’ (Chinese Juniper) is a narrow, pyramidal, evergreen shrub resembling the Italian cypress with its branches ascending to a point. Tightly branched, its soft, blue-green foliage is quite ravishing.
What is the scientific name for a juniper hybrid?
Some selections previously listed as J. chinensis are considered hybrids of J. chinensis and J. sabina and to indicate this were placed under the designation J. × media . Later the specific epithet, media, was found to have already been in use for a different Juniper hybrid, so its use to signify a J. chinensis – J. sabina hybrid is illegitimate.
What does sea green juniper look like?
Details of Juniperus chinensis follow, many of which apply to Sea Green. More information on Juniperus chinensis. No true fruits, but female cones are blue, fleshy “berry” looking and edible, often used as a seasoning. No flowers, but cones are large and brown and fall apart upon maturity. Female cones are blue fleshy “berry” looking.