What is market cap of Bursa Malaysia Berhad?
Market capitalization or “market cap” is a public company’s total equity value as implied by the stock’s last observed trading price. Market capitalization of Bursa Malaysia Berhad is calculated as follows:
What are the criteria for Bursa Malaysia listing?
Listing Criteria. Bursa Malaysia offers a choice of three markets to companies seeking for listing in Malaysia: Main Market is a prime market for established companies that have met the standards in terms of quality, size and operations. Potential issuers for the Main Market must demonstrate that they have achieved minimum profit track record
What is the market capitalization of listed domestic companies in Malaysia?
The latest value for Market capitalization of listed domestic companies (current US$) in Malaysia was 398,019,000,000 as of 2018. Over the past 37 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between 500,387,000,000 in 2013 and 13,877,610,000 in 1982.
What is the average market cap of financials companies in Malaysia?
The chart above depicts the distribution of market cap for companies operating in the Financials sector in the Malaysia. Over 50 companies were considered in this analysis, and 36 had meaningful values. The average market cap of the companies is 1.834 B with a standard deviation of 2.502 B.