What is the 8879 tax form?
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Form 8879 is the declaration document and signature authorization for an e-filed return filed by an electronic return originator (ERO). Complete this form when: The Practitioner PIN method is used.
How do I get a copy of my form 8879?
▶ ERO must obtain and retain completed Form 8879. ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form8879 for the latest information.
Can 8879 be electronically signed?
Taxpayers, who currently use Forms 8878 or 8879 to sign electronic Forms 1040 federal tax returns or filing extensions, can use an e-signature to sign and electronically submit these forms to their Electronic Return Originator (ERO).
What is an ERO?
Definition. The Electronic Return Originator (ERO) is the Authorized IRS e-file Provider who originates the electronic submission of a return to the IRS. The ERO is usually the first point of contact for most taxpayers filing a return using IRS e-file.
What is an ERO PIN?
What is an ERO PIN? The ERO PIN is the ERO’s electronic signature. For consistency, each ERO is encouraged to use the same 11 numbers for their ERO PIN on all returns for this filing season. The first 6 positions of your ERO PIN must be your EFIN and it must match the EFIN in the Submission ID.
How do I get an ERO PIN?
From the Settings menu, select Options. Go to the Preparers tab. Select the preparer that will be e-filing returns by double-clicking on their name. In the ERO PIN field, enter a 5-digit number of your choosing.
Is TurboTax an Ero?
An Electronic Return Originator (ERO) is a business which is authorized to electronically submit a tax return to the IRS. In many cases, the ERO also prepares returns. This includes companies such as TurboTax or H&R Block.
What is the difference between ERO and EFIN?
What Is the Difference Between ERO and EFIN? As stated above, an ERO is a business that is an authorized e-file provider by the IRS. An EFIN, or Electronic Filing Identification Number, is a 6-digit number given by the IRS to applicants who have been accepted for e-filing.
Is HR Block an Ero?
What is the purpose of form 8879?
Form 8879 is used to authorize the electronic filing (e-file) of original and amended returns. Use this Form 8879 (Rev. January 2021) to authorize e-file of your Form 1040, 1040-SR, 1040-NR, 1040-SS, or 1040-X, for tax years beginning with 2019. Purpose of Form Form 8879 is the declaration document and signature authorization for an e-filed return
What is the retention period for form 8879?
Retain the completed Form 8879 for 3 years from the return due date or IRS received date, whichever is later. Form 8879 may be retained electronically in accordance with the recordkeeping guidelines in Rev. Proc.
How to file Form 8879 as an ero?
The US government requires electronic return originator (ERO) to file tax form 8879, a declaration document and signature authorization for an e-filed return. This form is to be retained by the ERO unless requested by the IRS. Therefore, as an ERO you need to get yourself software that simplifies you filing of IRS 8879.
How to file Form 8879-te with form 1545-0047?
OMB No. 1545-0047 Name of filer EIN or SSN Name and title of officer or person subject to tax Part I Type of Return and Return Information Check the box for the return for which you are using this Form 8879-TE and enter the applicable amount, if any, from the return.