What is usbwebserver?
USBWebserver is a combination of popular webserver software: Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin. With USBWebserver it is possible to develop and show your PHP websites everywhere and anytime. The main advantage of USBWebserver is that you can use it from USB or a regular CD.
How to set up USB web server?
HOWTO 1 Download and Unzip USBWebserver. 2 Go to unzipped folder and run usbwebserver.exe . 3 If needed, allow your server processes in Windows Defender popup window. 4 Choose your language at first start of USBWebServer.
Where do I put files in usbwebserver?
You need to put your files in the root directory. You can reach the website by http://localhost:8080/. How do I chmod a file? You don’t need to chmod files with USBWebserver. Where can I find the settings files? All the settings files are placed in the settings directory. You need to restart USBWebserver after changing the settings.
How to change default ports in usbwebserver?
Choose your language at first start of USBWebServer. If you have other local web servers installed and they’s ports conflicts with USBWebServer ports you can allways change default ports in Settings tab of your USBWebServer window.