Can you record your desktop Mac?
In the QuickTime Player app on your Mac, choose File > New Screen Recording to open Screenshot and display the tools. You can click Options to control what you record—for example, you can set the location where you want to save your screen recording, or include the pointer or clicks in the screen recording.
Can you screen record on Mac with sound?
But can you screen record on Mac with sound? Absolutely. To do that, go to Options > Microphone before you hit Record, and turn on recording with Mac mic to enable sound in your screen capture. This is one way to record your Mac’s screen.
How do I record a video on my Mac screen?
To record your screen on a Mac, press the Command + Shift + 5 keys on your keyboard. Then select either the Record Entire Screen or Record Selected Portion buttons in the pop-up toolbar that appears at the bottom of your screen. Finally, click Record.
How to record screen on a Mac?
At this point, you will hear no sound from any of your Mac’s applications, but don’t worry. Go to the QuickTime Player application; choose File/New Screen Recording. Choose if you want to record all your screen, or a portion of your screen (highlighted in red below), then click on the Record button. Click on the Options menu.
How do I record audio from my computer screen?
To record your voice or other audio with the screen recording, choose a microphone. To monitor that audio during recording, adjust the volume slider. If you get audio feedback, lower the volume or use headphones with a microphone. To show a black circle around your pointer when you click, choose Show Mouse Clicks in Recording.
How do I record a selected portion of my screen?
Record a selected portion of the screen Click in the onscreen controls. Drag to select an area of the screen to record. To start recording, click Record in the onscreen controls. To stop recording, click in the menu bar. Use the thumbnail to trim, share, save, or take other actions.
How do I grant screen recording permissions on macOS Catalina?
If you’re using macOS Catalina or newer, you’ll need to grant permission to your browser to record your computer’s screen. To grant screen recording permissions: The first time you attempt to record your screen with Microsoft Stream, you’ll be prompted to grant permission. Click Open System Preferences.