How do I winterize my sprinkler system?
Table of Contents
Steps for Winterizing Your Sprinkler System
- Step 1: Shut Off the Water. It will come as no surprise that the first step is turning off the water to the system with a main valve that’s usually found near your water meter.
- Step 2: Turn Off the Timer.
- Step 3: Drain the Water.
- Step 4: Insulate Above-Ground Components.
Is winterization of sprinkler system necessary?
So, if you have a lawn sprinkler, you need to winterize it before the temperatures plunge to the freezing mark. If you forget to winterize your sprinklers, you run the risk that water will freeze in the irrigation valves, pipes and sprinkler heads.
How much does it cost to winterize sprinkler system?
The cost to winterize or activate a sprinkler system ranges from $53 and $117, or $84 on average. Maintenance during the irrigation season averages about $115, on top of these expenses.To keep your sprinkler system working properly, it must receive regular maintenance from a professional plumber.
How do I winterize my sprinkler system with a lake pump?
How to Winterize a Water Pump
- Step 1: Locate and Open the Drain Plug. Find the drain plug and fill plug (if applicable) on your pump and open them to let all the water in the pump drain.
- Step 2: Fill the Pump with Propylene Glycol.
- Step 3: Use Compressed Air to Blow Out the Water Lines.
What happens if you don’t winterize sprinkler system?
If an irrigation system isn’t properly winterized, water will be left in the pipes all winter. When temperatures get below freezing, the water will freeze and expand in the pipes, which could cause cracks in the pipe or on the fittings.
Is it OK to water grass in cold weather?
The colder weather does not evaporate moisture from the lawn as quickly as it does in the warmer weather. Most lawn experts recommend watering your grass until the soil or ground temperature reaches the 40-degree Fahrenheit mark. It is true, less water is required and needed when the temperature drops.
How do I winterize my sprinkler system without an air compressor?
You can winterize a sprinkler system without an air compressor if all of your irrigation lines are buried at a slight downhill slope. Simply shut off the main water supply to your system and open the drain valves at the end of each zone.
How do I stop my sprinkler lines from digging?
How to Avoid Digging Up a Sprinkler System
- Look at the design map given to you by your installation company.
- Locate where a line should be at the edge of the map that crosses the area where you will be working.
- Mark the area with a flag.
- Dig down in the area marked, using a hand trowel.
How long does it take to prime a sprinkler pump?
Let the pump run for approximately one minute. If you opened any relief valves, wait until water begins to run from them before closing them again. If the pump turns off naturally, it’s primed.
How do you winterize a pressure tank?
How To Winterize Your Water Well Pump
- Turn off the power to the pump.
- Open a faucet to drain the residual water in the pump.
- Disconnect draining pipes and other units from the pump so you can be sure all water drains from the pump properly.
- Use an air compressor to blow out any additional water.
How much does it cost to winterize a sprinkler system?
Winterizing is a fairly quick and simple process that does not take long to carry out. The average cost to winterize a sprinkler system ranges between $75 and $150, with the average homeowner spending around $100 to inspect your irrigation system, blow it out with compressed air, and set the controls for three to four zones.
Why do you need to winterize your sprinkler system?
Why You Should Winterize Your Sprinkler System? The best way to care for your watering system ahead of the cold season is with sprinkler winterization. What is Sprinkler Winterization? Sprinkler winterization is the proper way to prepare the pipes in your sprinkler system for the cold weather.
Why you should winterize your sprinkler system?
The danger of not winterizing your sprinkler system: If you forget to winterize your sprinklers,you run the risk that water will freeze in the irrigation valves,pipes and sprinkler
How to winterize your sprinkler system the right way?
Shut off the Water Supply. All sprinkler systems have a main shut-off point.