What is R6 zoning?
R6 Zoning is a medium density residential zoning district. It has multifamily buildings that can range from walk up townhouses to taller apartment buildings. In R6 zones you have two options for zoning rules. You can use Height Factor Zoning or Quality Housing Program.
Which commercial zoning districts allow for residential use?
Most Commercial Zoning districts allow for residential use. Below are Commercial zones with R6 Residential Equivalents. R6A and R6B are contextual zoning districts and would have some different regulations than basic R6 Zoning.
What is Zoning under the Bombay Town Planning Act?
The previous Bombay Town Planning Act (1915) only allowed for the creation of town planning schemes to facilitate the improvement of existing urban areas. Zoning is included within the development regulations prepared as a part of the overall development plan for urban development areas (UDAs).
Does the zoning data include zoning overlay districts and LDN?
The zoning data does not include zoning overlay districts, such as LDN, Floodplain, Quarry, or Mountainside Overlay Districts. Although the layer represents the official zoning map, a determination should be requested from the Zoning Administrator to verify zoning for a particular property.