How do I put a background image at the bottom of CSS?
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How do I put a background image at the bottom of CSS?
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background-position takes two arguments, an x-value and an y-value so to position it at the bottom, you would use: background-position: center bottom; . You could use this to fix your first example.
How many positions are there in CSS?
five different position values
There are five different position values: static. relative. fixed.
How to center background image CSS?
HTML This is a basic HTML structure enough to build a full-screen background image.
Adding Style element There are three ways to apply CSS to HTML: inline,internal and external. That’s a different chapter entirely.
Using “body” as CSS selector Now,to selectively style the elements,several CSS selectors are available.
Using background property
How do you set a background image in CSS?
auto (the default value)
a length,setting the width and height of the background image (in any valid CSS length units); e.g.,background-size:20px 40px.
a percentage,setting the width and height as a percentage of the parent element; e.g.,background-size:50% 50%.
What is background position?
What does your reader already know about your topic?
Will you be using jargon or specific terminology your reader may not know already?
Does your reader need more context to truly understand your points?
What is the minimum amount of background information you can provide that will give your reader the facts he or she needs?
How to set a background image in CSS?
Tiling a large image. Let’s consider a large image,a 2982×2808 Firefox logo image.
Stretching an image
Scaling an image up.
Special values: “contain” and “cover” Besides values,the background-size CSS property offers two special size values,contain and cover.