How to find IFSC Code of SBI?
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Similarly, you can get State Bank of India (SBI) MICR code printed on the front page of your bank pass book. If you don’t have a cheque book or bank pass book with you, then use drop-down menu shown at the top of the page & get SBI IFSC Code for any State Bank of India (SBI) branch. After Rationalization, Revised SBI IFSC Code for its Branches
Where is the SBI branch in Kolkata?
Address: 24 By 1 By 1 Alipore Road, Kolkata, West Bengal SBI Bank IFSC Code SBI IFSC Code is a distinctive code assigned to all SBI bank branches nationwide. It allows SBI Bank account holders to both send & receive money online.
What is SBI MICR code?
SBI MICR Code is the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Which is the unique code for SBI Bank Branches. SBI MICR code consists of 9 digits .The first three digits are of the city code, the next three digits represent the bank code and the last three digits indicate the branch code.
How to use SBI IFSC code for wire transfer?
You can use SBI IFSC code for wire transfer via any mode RTGS, NEFT & IMPS at your convenience. Similarly, you can get State Bank of India (SBI) MICR code printed on the front page of your bank pass book.
How to apply for State Bank of India SBI online?
It is a properly sealed packet, which consists of Log on to the State Bank of India’s official webpage Fill the application form online by providing details such as name, address, date of birth or other related information Submit the form along with the documents of proof of identity such as PAN Card, Adhaar Card, Voter ID, Driving License etc.
What is the APM ID of State Bank of India?
© Copyright State Bank of India (APM Id : Webs_Info_875) Site best viewed at 1420 x 768 resolution in Edge, Mozilla 40 +, Google Chrome 45 + X SBI FINDER By clicking on the link “PROCEED” you will be re-directed to a third party website which is neither owned nor controlled nor endorsed in any manner by State Bank Group (SBG).