What are you doing at the weekend in French?
What are you doing this weekend? French Translation: Que fais-tu ce week-end?
How are you what are you doing in French?
Salut, que faites-vous ici? Hi, what are you doing? Salut, tu fais quoi?
How are you doing in French formal?
If you’d like to say, “How are you?” in French, you would generally say, “Comment allez-vous?” (formal singular or informal plural) or “Comment vas-tu?” (informal singular).
How are you doing answer?
If someone asks “How are you doing?,” grammatically you should answer “Well.” This says “I’m doing well.” Since “doing” is an action verb, we need to use the adverb “well” to describe that action.
How do you say Sunday in French?
How to say Sunday in French. Sunday. French Translation. #N#dimanche. More French words for Sunday. le dimanche noun. #N#. Sabbath. de dimanche adjective.
How do you say what day is it today in French?
What day is it today? [kehl zhoor ehs oh-zhoor-dwee] In order to say that something happened “on” a certain day in French, you need to use the indefinite article “le” (masculine) in front of the day of the week. For example: Le vendredi, je m’amuse.
How do you write days of the week in French?
Days of the Week in French. All days of the week in French end in “-di” with the exception of Sunday. And you will find it easy to remember their gender because they are all masculine. Unlike in English, French days of the week are not capitalized unless they are placed in the beginning of a sentence.
How do you Say Something Happened on a certain day in French?
[kehl zhoor ehs oh-zhoor-dwee] In order to say that something happened “on” a certain day in French, you need to use the indefinite article “le” (masculine) in front of the day of the week. For example: Le vendredi, je m’amuse. On Fridays, I have fun. Le mercredi je cuisine. On Wednesday, I cook.