What is the name of the beautiful Moorish building in Córdoba Spain?
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Known locally as Mezquita-Catedral, the Great Mosque of Córdoba is one of the oldest structures still standing from the time Muslims ruled Al-Andalus (Muslim Iberia including most of Spain, Portugal, and a small section of Southern France) in the late 8th century.
What is significant about the Great mosque in Córdoba?
Teaches Design and Architecture. The Great Mosque of Córdoba is a religious structure that was built in the eighth century to signify the Iberian city as a stronghold in the Muslim world. Its unique style and intricate details still influence architectural styles today.
Why was Cordoba a great Islamic city?
Under Umayyad rule, Córdoba was enlarged and filled with palaces and mosques. The city’s woven silks and elaborate brocades, leatherwork, and jewelry were prized throughout Europe and the East, and its copyists rivaled Christian monks in the production of religious works.
Why was La Mezquita de Cordoba built?
In 929, Abderraman III established it as the headquarters of the independent Caliphate. Cordoba’s period of greatest glory began in the 8th century after the Moorish conquest, when some 300 mosques and innumerable palaces and public buildings were built to rival the splendors of Constantinople, Damascus and Baghdad.
What is the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba?
The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba is the most important monument of all the Western Islamic world, and one of the most amazing in the world. The evolution of the “Omeya” style in Spain is resumed in the history of the Mosque of Cordoba, as well as other styles such as the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque of the Christian architecture.
Why is it called Cordoba House?
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his then-wife, Daisy Khan, wanted to call it “Cordoba House,” a reference to a period of relative tolerance and pluralism in medieval Spain under Muslim rule.
What happened to the original mihrab of the mosque of San Pedro?
In 1816 the original mihrab of the mosque was uncovered from behind the former altar of the old Chapel of San Pedro. Patricio Furriel was responsible for restoring the mihrab’s Islamic mosaics, including the portions which had been lost.
When was the first church built in Córdoba?
In 1236 Córdoba was conquered by King Ferdinand III of Castile as part of the Reconquista. Upon the city’s conquest the mosque was converted into a Catholic cathedral dedicated to the Virgin Mary ( Santa Maria ). The first mass was dedicated here on June 29 of that year.